Hey everybody,
welcome back to my blog! It's been such a long time since I last posted on here, It's literally been almost a year, but it feels so good to be back.
I thought it would be good to start blogging again and posting on here again considering the fact that we are all currently stuck inside our house with nothing to do and are feeling very bored. At least, that's how i'm feeling. 

A whole lot has happened since I last posted on here that's for sure...I went to Keswick in the Lake District for a week with my family, I started year 11, I applied for college, and luckily I have already made a new friend who will be in my class. I got addicted to Grease, I have been to an amazing wedding, I got an amazing christmas present which I couldn't be more grateful for even if it has had to be set back another year (Greece here I come!)  I ate faaaaaarrrr too much chocolate over Easter, Tiger King took over the world (blame Carol Baskin), found out  Katy Perry is having a baby girl, and what was that other thing? Oooohh yeah we all ran out of toilet paper.

here's some pics from Christams and the wedding 

No but seriously, I know everybody is feeling very crappy right now. So much has been cancelled and now we can't even go out to see our friends or family members.  
If i'm totally honest, it has very much taken a toll on me. Eating, sleeping, overthinking everything. I know what you're thinking "Lottie you did that anyway!" And yeah that's true but I feel like it's worse now. Or maybe I am just overthinking that too, My zodiac sign is a cancer after all. I also have nothing to do with my time. I have spent hours on end just scrolling through insta and it's so bad I'm starting to go insane! Yesterday I decided to take a break from Instagram and I'm not going to lie it felt amazing. I actually did stuff with my time. I learnt calligraphy, and I actually started reading again! I know, crazy right?!
I've also been watching the sunset every night. I find that it helps me relax and just escape from everything that is happening in the world. It is also just the most beautiful view. I definetley reccomend, especially if you're finding our current situation quite hard to deal with. 

Anyway, I just wanted to write a little spontaneous post to fill you all in on how life has been this past year. I can't believe how crazy these past few months have been. I think everybody has found it extremely difficult. It will be okay though, this will blow over and we will be able to live our lives again. But we can't take thses things for granted anymore. Friends, family, work, school, food, hospitals, hand sanitiser, toilet paper! I really hope that everybody learns something from this, I know I have.

I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, and if something is suppose to work out, it will. As Chuck Bass once said, " If two people are meant to be together, eventually they will find a way back." And I think that can be said for many things, not just people. If something is supposed to happen it will, but you gotta keep working for it, and if it doesn't work out, then it wasn't meant to be. Therefore, I honestly think that if things are supposed to go back to the way there were (and hopefully they are) then they will. 

We will all be okay, we will all get through this and we will all see our family and friends again. We will be able to venture out again and meet new people and actaully live again. This will only bring us closer and make us stronger. 

So please please please please look after yourselves, stay home and stay safe, I don't want any of you to get hurt. And please remeber that I am always here for you, all of you. Just dm me on instagram or email me <3

I love you all so mcuh and I am so grateful for all of the support and friends I have made through the past two years. I am also so gtareful for all of my amazing friends that have been there for me through the past five years at school.... Freya, Julia, Gemma, Izzy and everybody else (you know who you are), I am so grateful to have you as my besties and I miss you so much right now! <3

I promise to keep posting on here and not leave you in the dark anymore. I forgot how much I loved to do this! 

I hope this kept you enterainted for a bit :)

Please just remember...
we are all gonna be okay!

Lots of Love,                                
x x x x 

p.s. I have been doing some research into a conspiracy theory that I find very interesting and I would like to know if you would like to see a post about it as I would enjoy writing it very much :))

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