Part one 

Hey everyone, so if you follow me on Insta then you will already know that I got braces on Wednesday (when I was writing this post, it was yesterday) and so I haven't had them for very long, but the first couple of days is always the worst and I know that some you you gals are getting your braces soon as well, so I thought that I would share my first experience with braces, with you. 
It is kind of depressing because of the amount of food that you are not allowed to eat. But...whatever......

Lets start!

So when I was at the orthodontists, it was all fine. It doesn't hurt at all when they are putting the braces on, and they put this weird thing in your mouth to keep it open. Then they use glue and stick on the brace and you get to pick what colour to have. I picked baby blue because it's my favourite colour. But they have so many different colours for you to choose from it's kind of insane!
Anyway they use this weird light thing to dry the glue that stick's your braces on to your teeth.

When they have finished putting your braces on, they give you a run through on how to keep the braces clean and what you can and cannot eat. You can't have concentrate orange juice or apple juice, fizzy water, pop ( you're allowed zero sugar pop ), hard, sticky or chewy  sweets. Pretty much anything with acids or sugar in. You can't even have sugar in your tea. 
Like, it's pretty crazy.

The braces didn't actually start hurting until later that night. And it's not like it is extremely painful, I mean it does hurt quite a lot but it's more the fact that the pain is just always there, and it just feels like you have weights on your teeth. And I found it quite hard to get to sleep that night because it was uncomfortable. 

I can't take tablets just genuinely because I can't swallow them. So I've been having ones that melt on your tongue, just to help with the pain.
I would recommend to take medicine to help you with the pain because it is quite hard to eat and sleep, and it's probably a good idea to get your parent's to let you have the next day off, because that is always the worst day.

Obviously you do just need to get use to the braces and they always hurt for the first couple of days, but at the end of the day, it is all worth it and you'll end up with nice straight teeth.
I don't want to scare anybody with this post, don't be worried about getting braces because it is a good thing, it just takes some getting use to. 

Anyway, there will be more parts to this, I know this one is a little depressing, but I just wanted to be honest with you about the first couple of days with the braces. They will get more optimistic as I get  more use to my braces, but as I have just said, I do just want to be truthful with you guys.

Anyway, I'll see you in the next post <3 
x x x x 
