Hey my worldies, welcome home😂
So as you will know, I am now living life with braces. Yes. This is the part two to last weeks part one and by golly gosh have things changed.

If you read my last post about my braces then you will know that I was going through quite a rough time at the start, and if you haven't read my last blog post, then... you should.
But anyway, I was going through some pain with the first week or so but now it's a whole other story.
Half the time I forget that I even have braces until I start to eat and then I get really weary that there is probably food stuck in them. ugh. But life is actually a lot easier now. Also, it is hard, the fact that I'm not allowed to eat a lot of stuff  but tbh as long as you make sure that you brush your teeth after you have eaten and you use mouthwash etc, then you are fine. I still eat biscuits and cake and chocolate, so really the only things you shouldn't eat are like chewy sweets like haribo's and especially toffee and fudge because they will cause problems.

And when it comes to drinks, I have actually been drinking so much more water, like so much more water. I know this might sound a bit random, but water is actually really good for you and can help stop you from getting spots and keep you hydrated ( you already know this ik), and I never really drank water that much but now that I cant have tropicana etc, I have been drinking like 2-3 bottles of water a day and I actually really proud of myself for that. Another thing is, because you can't have pop unless it is sugar free, I have been drinking some sugar free and diet coke and let me tell you, it is so much better than regular coke, it tastes so much nicer. I mean come on, we don't need to drink all of these unhealthy sugary drinks when they make the same thing but 100x better and healthy.  

I am so much happier now than in my last blog post, which kinda makes sense because when I was writing my last blog post I was in a whole lot of mouth pain and now I'm not. I really see how much braces help though, they have already made a big difference which a lot of people have noticed. And a lot of people actually think they are cute which I was not expecting. 

But to all  my worldies out there who are getting braces in the near future, you honestly do not need to worry at all. Once you get past the first couple of days and the mean little blister you always get at the start, it is really fine like I don't even notice mine anymore it is all worth it and it even helps you live a bit of a healthier lifestyle too. 

I love you all sm and I'll see you soon with another blog post.
(It's gon be a fun one ;)) 
x x x x x
