Keeping hydrated in the summer 

Hey everybody, welcome back :) 
So recently I have been trying to drink a lot more water, it's not that easy to be honest because I find it really plain and boring, but I have recently found some tips and tricks which completely changed my life and I thought I would share these fun and easy hacks with you.

Now if you don't know, water is a very important part of having a healthy body. That's why you can sometimes get headaches if you are out in the heat for too long and haven't had a drink.
You're body uses water in all of it's cells, organs and tissues to keep the right temperature and maintain its other body functions. 
You're body can loose water from breathing, digestion and sweating. That is why it's so important to keep hydrated.

So if you find it hard to enjoy a glass of water, then you've come to the right place... or blog ;)

This water bottle is absolutely amazing! It's really useful because you can put whatever fruit you want into to container, and then it makes your water taste like the fruit. I have found this water bottle extremely helpful because it tells you how much ml is in the drink ( it goes up to 700ml) and it also has a handle which makes it is easier to carry about. And, you can open your drink and have a little fruity snack if your hungry. :)) 
I think this hack is a great idea because there are so many different fruits that you could put into your drink.
I've tried raspberries and it's so delicious. 

Another great way to make water much more interesting is to colour the ice cubes! This makes drinking water interesting  because as the ice cubes melts, it colours you water and gives a fun effect. Especially if you use two different colour and can see them mixing together in the glass. That would be a cool photo! 

Fruit lollies.
Fruit lollies are great because they are fun and different.
You can use all different types of fruit and they are very enjoyable.
They are also great for a hot day if you want something that is going to cool you down. And the fruit gives a nice flavour to the water as well as adding a bit more fun to the lollies. These would be great for parties or barbeque's. :) 
Although, you would have to buy an ice lollie mould but, I have one and I would say that they are totally worth it!
And you can make ice lollies with cloudy lemonade and orange juice etc.
They're just all round a great buy. 

Well that's it for this blog post gals and guys <3
I hope you enjoyed. 
Don't forget to dm me if you try any of these hacks :))))

x x x x 
