Hey hey hey everybody welcome back to my blog!
I know that you guys LOVE my curly hair blog posts and so I thought I would write another one!
This weeks blog post is all about the curly hair rules that I do and do not follow...

Rule 1
Washing your hair once a week.

This is actually a very popular rule for curly girls. Depending on what texture hair you have, this could even be up to three weeks! This is because the natural oils in your hair help it to go curlier. Most people just use conditioner and leave out the shampoo, because it can make your hair too dry and then it will become irritated. Another rules that adds on to this one is that you shouldn't wash your hair everyday. I do follow this rule because it can be extremely damaging to your hair if you wash it everyday. Washing your hair daily will make your hair and scalp dry because you are constantly washing out the natural oils to keep it moisturised. Although I follow the rule of not washing your hair everyday, I do not follow the rule of washing it once a week because otherwise I have the complete other problem. My hair gets too oily because the oils I put in my hair to help curl it and the natural oils that my hair produces all builds up together and then my hair looks all greasy and nasty and nobody likes that!

Rule 2
Using mousse

You probably already know this but most people with curly hair use mousse. This is because mousse keeps the curls locked in so that they don't fall out throughout the day. They also help with frizz but if you use too much it can make your hair look and feel hard and crunchy. I don't really know if I like mousse or not, because it really does help keep in the curls throughout the day, but I hate the fact that it makes my hair so crunchy and it always looks wet which then also makes my hair look greasy. I have actually had nasty people at school make fun of my saying that my hair was greasy when actually if was just mousse. Maybe that's the reason that I don't really like to use it anymore because I don't want people to get that impression. Or maybe people should just stop being rude and immature and learn the facts before they start saying stuff. 
Anywaaayyyy... Mousse has it's ups and downs and sometimes it can be useful and sometimes it really isn't so it kind of just depends on your hair type.

Rule 3
Twisting and Twirling

I loooove this rule!
So basically, when you have curly hair, your hair tends to be more noodle like. It's more separated unlike straight hair. As you could probably see from the image above, I get lots of crazy ringlets. But sometimes they need a little extra help. So twisting the strands of hair that don't go as curly as I would like, really help them go into little ringlets! I also find that it helps my curls look more defined and smooth which I love as well.

Well gals I hope you enjoyed this blog post! I didn't do many rules because I wrote quite a lot about them and I don't want you bored! ;)
I also just wanted to say that I hope you like the new blog theme because I flipping love it and also thank you so much for all of the love on my last post! I am definitely going to post more VSCO posts like that because y'all seemed to really enjoy it!!
Thanks for being a worldie and I'll see you next week with a new blog post!

x x x x
Instagram:click to view:)
